Results for 'Joana Matos Gomes'

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  1.  15
    Maria Alessandra bilotta (ed.), Gerardo boto Varela (intro), Xavier Barral I altet (conclusions), medie-Val europe in motion. Palermo, officina di studi medieVali, 2018, 441 pp., isbn: 9788864851068. [REVIEW]Joana Matos Gomes - 2018 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 25:254-257.
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    Robert Bartlett, The Middle Ages and the Movies: Eight Key Films (London, 2022).Vítor Guerreiro & Joana Matos Gomes - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 30 (2):125-129.
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    Promoting Success and Persistence in Pandemic Times: An Experience With First-Year Students.Joana R. Casanova, Alexandra Gomes, Maria Alfredo Moreira & Leandro S. Almeida - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The transition and adaptation of students to higher education involve a wide range of challenges that justify some institutional practices promoting skills that enable students to increase their autonomy and to face the difficulties experienced. The requirements for this adaptation were particularly aggravated by the containment and sanitary conditions associated with coronavirus disease 2019. With the aim of promoting academic success and preventing dropout in the first year, a support program was implemented for students enrolled in two courses in the (...)
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    Da unidade/diferença à modalidade: A arqueologia da ontologia no pensamento de Giorgio Agamben.Ana Suelen Tossige Gomes & Andityas Soares de Moura Costa Matos - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (141):651-670.
    RESUMO Um retorno ao ser aparece na contemporaneidade como uma via teórica importante para se pensar as possibilidades de uma política e de uma ética livres das conformações legadas pela história do Ocidente. É nesse sentido que Giorgio Agamben desenvolve em "O uso dos corpos" o que chamará de uma arqueologia da ontologia, buscando verificar se o acesso a uma ontologia ainda é possível nos dias de hoje. Partindo de Aristóteles, passando pela escolástica, até chegar a Heidegger, Agamben evidencia como (...)
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    Entre dois paraísos: a nova arqueologia filosófica de Giorgio Agamben.Ana Suelen Tossige Gomes & Andityas Soares de Moura Costa Matos - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (1):e35639.
    Resenha de: AGAMBEN, Giorgio. Il regno e il giardino. Vicenza: Neri Pozza, 2019, 123 pp.
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    Memes políticos e dessubjetivação: o ocaso da phoné na política contempor'nea brasileira.Ana Suelen Tossige Gomes & Andityas Soares de Moura Costa Matos - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34035.
    Analisando a comunicação memética a partir dos pontos de vista da semiologia saussuriana e do dispositivo biopolítico tal como pensado por Foucault e Agamben, bem como estabelecendo conexões entre essas teorias e o uso desse tipo de comunicação na política brasileira contemporânea, foi possível perceber neste artigo que os memes, em especial os memes políticos, em vez de operarem por meio da subjetivação, operam como dispositivos dessubjetivantes.
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  7. Heidegger: The Pre-Presence and Being-Towards-Death.Francisco Vinicius Holanda de Oliveira & Francisco Gomes de Matos - 2025 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (30):13-28.
    The aim of this article is to present the perspective of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) on death, as well as to explore the concept of "Dasein" in his work Being and Time (1927). Heidegger introduces Dasein as a being that projects itself toward the future, with death being one of those futures. He asks: "What would death be? Does it have a merely biological or an ontological-existential character?" (HEIDEGGER, 2005, p. 16). The article unfolds as follows: a brief (...)
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    Lídia Maria POSSAS, Mulheres, trens e trilhos : modernidade no sertão paulista, Bauru, São Paulo, EDUSC, 2001, 462 p.Suely Gomes Costa - 2004 - Clio 19:256.
    Thèse d'histoire, ce livre traite des itinéraires humains dans le réseau ferré qui, au début du XXe siècle, se répand et s'avance de l'Ouest de l'Etat de São Paulo vers celui du Mato Grosso, la Bolivie et le Paraguay, dans un projet d'intégration économique régional et de modernisation de l'intérieur du Brésil. Il existe déjà beaucoup d'études sur le chemin de fer et le rail au Brésil, mais ce livre est le seul à évoquer des expériences féminines. Des documents administratifs (...)
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    Política de Guerra e Resistência: A Emergência da Multidão no Estado de Guerra Global.L. M. B. Marques & F. M. Gomes - 2013 - Páginas de Filosofía 5 (2):69-89.
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    Environmentality in biomedicine: microbiome research and the perspectival body.Joana Formosinho, Adam Bencard & Louise Whiteley - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):148-158.
    Microbiome research shows that human health is foundationally intertwined with the ecology of microbial communities living on and in our bodies. This challenges the categorical separation of organisms from environments that has been central to biomedicine, and questions the boundaries between them. Biomedicine is left with an empirical problem: how to understand causal pathways between host health, microbiota and environment? We propose a conceptual tool – environmentality – to think through this problem. Environmentality is the state or quality of being (...)
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    When corporate social responsibility (CSR) increases performance: exploring the role of intrinsic and extrinsic CSR attribution.Joana Story & Pedro Neves - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (2):111-124.
    This study investigates whether employees attribute different motives to their organization's corporate social responsibility efforts and if these motives influence employee performance. Specifically, we investigate whether employees could distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic CSR motives by surveying 229 employee–supervisor dyads from various industries , and the impact of these perceptions on in-role and extra-role performance of subordinates. We found that employee task performance increases when employees attribute both intrinsic and extrinsic motives for CSR. Moreover, when employees perceive that their organization (...)
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  12.  52
    Exploring Individual and Contextual Antecedents of Attitudes Toward the Acceptability of Cheating and Plagiarism.Joana R. C. Kuntz & Chandele Butler - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (6):478-494.
    The purpose of this study was to identify the relative contribution of individual and contextual predictors to students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and plagiarism. A group of 324 students from a tertiary institution in New Zealand completed an online survey. The findings indicate that gender, justice sensitivity, and understanding of university policies regarding academic dishonesty were the key predictors of the students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and plagiarism, both as agents of dishonest conduct and as witnesses (...)
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    Imaging Brain Function with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Unconstrained Environments.Joana B. Balardin, Guilherme A. Zimeo Morais, Rogério A. Furucho, Lucas Trambaiolli, Patricia Vanzella, Claudinei Biazoli & João R. Sato - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  14.  38
    Perceived Legitimacy of Executives Bonuses in Time of Global Crisis: A Mapping of Portuguese People’s Views.Joana Margarida Sequeira Neto & Etienne Mullet - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (3):421-429.
    The present study aimed to explore and map the views of Portuguese laypersons regarding the legitimacy of bonuses for senior executives. Two hundred eight participants, with various levels of training in economics, were presented with a number of concrete scenarios depicting the circumstances in which senior executives have received bonuses of variable amounts, and they were asked to indicate the extent to which such bonuses may be considered as legitimate. The scenarios were created by varying four factors likely to have (...)
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    Modernidade e crise ambiental: das incertezas dos riscos à responsabilidade ética.Silvia Maria Santos Matos & Antônio Carlos dos Santos - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (2):197-216.
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    La utilitat com a objecte amable de la relació.Joana Ferrer - 1993 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 5:22.
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  17. Drawing new images of thought : mapping relations and negotiating meanings through the material.Joana Hyatt - 2019 - In Boyd White, Anita Sinner & Pauline Sameshima, Ma: materiality in teaching and learning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
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  18. Portuguese and spanish historiographies : Distance and proximity.Sérgio Campos Matos & David Mota ĺvarez - 2008 - In Stefan Berger & Chris Lorenz, The Contested Nation: Ethnicity, Class, Religion and Gender in National Histories. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  19. Irony in critical.Joana Garmendia Mugica - 2010 - Pragmatics and Cognition 18 (2):397-422.
  20. Revisiting Searle.Joana Garmendia Mugica - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):191-196.
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    Mônica Raisa Schpun, Les années folles à São Paulo : hommes et femmes au temps de l’explosion urbaine (1920-1929).Joana Maria Pedro - 2002 - Clio 15:238-240.
    C’est un tableau stimulant de la vie des élites dans la ville de São Paulo pendant les années 1920 que nous présente Mônica Raisa Schpun dans cet ouvrage, résultat de son doctorat d’Histoire mené à l’université Paris 7, sous la direction de Michelle Perrot. Le travail est divisé en trois parties, avec, comme fils directeurs, l’histoire de São Paulo, ses transformations et les changements dans les rapports de genre. D’une écriture agile et attrayante, ce livre nous présente les particularités...
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    Looking for the Brain Inside the Initial Teacher Training and Outreach Books in Portugal.Joana R. Rato, Jorge Amorim & Alexandre Castro-Caldas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The fascination with brain research is widespread, and school teachers are no exception. This growing interest, usually noticed by the increased supply of short-term training or books on how to turn the brain more efficient, leads us to think about their basic training and outreach resources available. Little is known about what the official Initial Teacher Training offers concerning the brain literature and if it meets scientific standards. Also, what are the science communication materials that teachers can access to learn (...)
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    (1 other version)Utopia–abertura de outras possibilidades na arquitectura.Joana Restivo - 2006 - E-Topia: Revista Electrónica de Estudos Sobre a Utopia 5.
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    he Invisibility of black women in history, literature and philosophy according to the thinking of gloria anzaldúa.Joana Maria Nascimento Silva - 2025 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (30):172-183.
    The purpose of this article is to examine the problem of loneliness in Hannah Arendt in the light of her considerations about totalitarianism. We seek not only to clarify this concept, but to examine to what extent it is important for understanding certain aspects of Arendt's critique of philosophy in general and political philosophy in particular.
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    Reseña "Políticas de identidades y diferencias sociales en tiempos de globalización" de Daniel Mato.Daniel Mato - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (50):139-142.
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  26. Meaning-preserving contraposition of conditionals.Gilberto Gomes - 2019 - Journal of Pragmatics 1 (152):46-60.
    It is argued that contraposition is valid for a class of natural language conditionals, if some modifications are allowed to preserve the meaning of the original conditional. In many cases, implicit temporal indices must be considered, making a change in verb tense necessary. A suitable contrapositive for implicative counterfactual conditionals can also usually be found. In some cases, the addition of certain words is necessary to preserve meaning that is present in the original sentence and would be lost or changed (...)
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    The overlooked ubiquity of first-person experience in the cognitive sciences.Joana Rigato, Scott M. Rennie & Zachary F. Mainen - 2019 - Synthese 198 (9):8005-8041.
    Science aims to transform the subjectivity of individual observations and ideas into more objective and universal knowledge. Yet if there is any area in which first-person experience holds a particularly special and delicate role, it is the sciences of the mind. According to a widespread view, first-person methods were largely discarded from psychology after the fall of introspectionism a century ago and replaced by more objective behavioral measures, a step that some authors have begun to criticize. To examine whether these (...)
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    Irony is critical.Joana Garmendia - 2010 - Pragmatics and Cognition 18 (2):397-421.
    Irony is acknowledged to be usually critical: the ironic speaker tends to exhibit an apparent positive attitude in order to communicate a negative valuation. The reverse is considered to be also possible though: the ironic speaker can praise by apparent blaming, although it seldom happens. This unbalance between the two sorts of ironic examples is the so-called asymmetry issue of irony. Here I shall deny the possibility of being ironic without criticizing — hence the asymmetry issue is an illusion. By (...)
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    Toward true integration.Joana Rosselló, Otávio Mattos & Wolfram Hinzen - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  30. Is Kant’s transcendental deduction of the categories fit for purpose?Anil Gomes - 2010 - Kantian Review 15 (2):118-137.
    James Van Cleve has argued that Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the categories shows, at most, that we must apply the categories to experience. And this falls short of Kant’s aim, which is to show that they must so apply. In this discussion I argue that once we have noted the differences between the first and second editions of the Deduction, this objection is less telling. But Van Cleve’s objection can help illuminate the structure of the B Deduction, and it suggests (...)
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    Press freedom, oil exports, and risk for natural disasters: A challenge for climato-economic theory?Joana Arantes, Randolph C. Grace & Simon Kemp - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):483-483.
    Does the interaction between climactic demands, monetary resources, and freedom suggest a more general relationship between the environmental challenges that human societies face and their resources to meet those challenges? Using data on press freedom (Van de Vliert 2011a), we found no evidence of a similar interaction with natural resources (as measured by oil exports) or risk for natural disasters.
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    O místico e o feiticeiro. Contrapontos entre imagem técnica e narrativa seqüencial em Alan Moore e Vilém Flusser.Marcelo Bolshaw Gomes - 2013 - Flusser Studies 15 (1).
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  33. Giovanni Pico, o cultor de línguas orientais, o averroísta e a sua epistolografia.Manuel Cadafaz de Matos - 1996 - Humanitas 48:267-308.
  34. Only people with good imagination usually listens to this kind of music" : On the Convergence of Musical Tags, Video Games and YouTube in the Epic Genre.Joana Freitas - 2023 - In Holly Rogers, Joana Freitas & João Francisco Porfírio, Remediating sound: repeatable culture, YouTube and music. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    From My Arm Rising to Me Raising It: a Taxonomy of Behaviors and Actions.Joana Rigato - 2019 - Kairos 22 (1):132-160.
    Human behavior can range from automatic and even unconscious bodily movements to very elaborate and rational decisions. In this paper I develop a taxonomy based on the empirical analysis of the phenomenology associated with selected instances of different forms of behavior. The transition from sub-actional behavior to proper actions is shown to take place when the agent intervenes actively in the causal process leading from her mental states to the bodily movement by exercising her power to form intentions to act. (...)
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  36. Produção de narrativa e autoria.Neiva Maria Tebaldi Gomes - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2).
    Resumo Palavras-chave Keywords : Narrative production. Authorship. Language. Memory. Identity. : This article comprises a detailed report on a project of narrative production, which is being conducted, every semester, with students entering the Languages course, on the Portuguese Language subject.The project consists of a process of production, reading, and rewriting of small narratives, which, at the end of the term, are gathered and organized by each student in order to assemble their own book craftily. The proposal came forth as a (...)
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    Adoecimento psíquico em mulheres portadoras do vírus HIV: um desafio para a clínica contemporânea.Joana Finkelstein Veras & Milene Mabilde Petracco - 2004 - Cogito 6:137-141.
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    ¿Puede nuestra consciencia moral asumir la moralidad animal?Joana Charterina Villacorta - 2012 - Dilemata 9:41-52.
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  39. Kant, the Philosophy of Mind, and Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy.Anil Gomes - 2017 - In Andrew Stephenson & Anil Gomes, Kant and the Philosophy of Mind: Perception, Reason, and the Self. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    In the first part of this chapter, I summarise some of the issues in the philosophy of mind which are addressed in Kant’s Critical writings. In the second part, I chart some of the ways in which that discussion influenced twentieth-century analytic philosophy of mind and identify some of the themes which characterise Kantian approaches in the philosophy of mind.
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    The effect of neighborhood frequency in reading: Evidence with transposed-letter neighbors.Joana Acha & Manuel Perea - 2008 - Cognition 108 (1):290-300.
  41. More dead than dead? Attributing mentality to vegetative state patients.Anil Gomes, Matthew Parrott & Joshua Shepherd - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (1):84-95.
    In a recent paper, Gray, Knickman, and Wegner present three experiments which they take to show that people perceive patients in a persistent vegetative state to have less mentality than the dead. Following on from Gomes and Parrott, we provide evidence to show that participants' responses in the initial experiments are an artifact of the questions posed. Results from two experiments show that, once the questions have been clarified, people do not ascribe more mental capacity to the dead than (...)
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  42. Problems in the timing of conscious experience.Gilberto Gomes - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):191-97.
    Libet's (2000) arguments in defense of his interpretation of his experimental results are insufficient. The claims of my critical review (Gomes, 2008) do not suffer with his new statements.
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  43. The timing of conscious experience: A critical review and reinterpretation of Libet's research.Gilberto Gomes - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (4):559-595.
    An extended examination of Libet's works led to a comprehensive reinterpretation of his results. According to this reinterpretation, the Minimum Train Duration of electrical brain stimulation should be considered as the time needed to create a brain stimulus efficient for producing conscious sensation and not as a basis for inferring the latency for conscious sensation of peripheral origin. Latency for conscious sensation with brain stimulation may occurafterthe Minimum Train Duration. Backward masking with cortical stimuli suggests a 125-300 ms minimum value (...)
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  44. A Interpretação condicional da possibilidade de agir diferentemente.Gilberto Gomes - 2005 - Ethica (Rio de Janeiro) 12 (1-2):115-121.
    Freedom is often defined by the possibility of doing otherwise. The conditional interpretation of this possibility, advanced by Moore, maintains that to say that someone could have done otherwise is to say that someone would have done otherwise if she had decided to do so. This conception is adequate for the thesis that freedom is compatible with natural causality. The present article presents a defense of this interpretation against the argument with which Lehrer purports to have refuted it. As used (...)
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  45. Kant on Perception: Naive Realism, Non-Conceptualism, and the B-Deduction.Anil Gomes - 2014 - Philosophical Quarterly 64 (254):1-19.
    According to non-conceptualist interpretations, Kant held that the application of concepts is not necessary for perceptual experience. Some have motivated non-conceptualism by noting the affinities between Kant's account of perception and contemporary relational theories of perception. In this paper I argue (i) that non-conceptualism cannot provide an account of the Transcendental Deduction and thus ought to be rejected; and (ii) that this has no bearing on the issue of whether Kant endorsed a relational account of perceptual experience.
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    Filosofia na Escola.Joana D'Arc Beserra dos Santos & Márcia Pereira da Silva - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 1 (1).
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  47. Spontaneous Decisions and Free Will: Empirical Results and Philosophical Considerations.Joana Rigato, Masayoshi Murakami & Zachary Mainen - 2014 - Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 79:177-184.
    Spontaneous actions are preceded by brain signals that may sometimes be detected hundreds of milliseconds in advance of a subject's conscious intention to act. These signals have been claimed to reflect prior unconscious decisions, raising doubts about the causal role of conscious will. Murakami et al. (2014. Nat Neurosci 17: 1574–1582) have recently argued for a different interpretation. During a task in which rats spontaneously decided when to abort waiting, the authors recorded neurons in the secondary motor cortex. The neural (...)
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    Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: Suicide Prevention on Facebook.Norberto Nuno Gomes de Andrade, Dave Pawson, Dan Muriello, Lizzy Donahue & Jennifer Guadagno - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):669-684.
    There is a death by suicide in the world every 40 seconds, and suicide is the second leading cause of death for 15–29-year-olds. Experts say that one of the best ways to prevent suicide is for those in distress to hear from people who care about them. Facebook is in a unique position—through its support for networks and friendships on the site—to help connect a person in these difficult situations with people who can support them. Connecting people with the resources (...)
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  49. Downward causation and supervenience: the non-reductionist’s extra argument for incompatibilism.Joana Rigato - 2018 - Philosophical Explorations 21 (3):384-399.
    Agent-causal theories of free will, which rely on a non-reductionist account of the agent, have traditionally been associated with libertarianism. However, some authors have recently argued in favor of compatibilist agent-causal accounts. In this essay, I will show that such accounts cannot avoid serious problems of implausibility or incoherence. A careful analysis of the implications of non-reductionist views of the agent (event-causal or agent-causal as they may be) reveals that such views necessarily imply either the denial of the principle of (...)
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    Disentangling response initiation difficulties from response inhibition in autism spectrum disorder: A sentence-completion task.Joana C. Carmo & Carlos N. Filipe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    It has been proposed that individuals with autism spectrum disorder struggle both with response initiation and with response inhibition, both of which are functions of the executive system. Experimental tasks are unlikely pure measures of a single cognitive domain, and in this study we aim at understanding the contributions of response initiation difficulties to possible deficits in inhibitory control in autism. A sample of adults diagnosed with ASD and a control sample participated in this study. To participants it was asked (...)
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